Select Session:  
Lot NumberTitleFinal Price
1 Abatement of Taxes As A Result Of Rev. War Service 80
2 Withdrawn PASS
3 The FIRST African American Church in Baltimore 140
4 Upon Her Death, She Owned Eleven Slaves 250
5 The $806 Negro Sold 150
6 In The Defense Of Slavery PASS
7 Fugitive Slave Anthony Burns Arrested in Boston - City Riots 1854 PASS
8 The Plantation Owner Wants His Slave Son Back PASS
9 Four Named Slaves in Distirbution 110
10 “ God and Nature Equally Cry Out Against Human Slavery” 60
11 The Opposition To Slavery In New Jersey 140
12 Trying to Stop The Slavery Conflict 180
13 Questions The Imapact Of Slavery of the Poor Whites PASS
14 Extraordinary Review Of The Laws Pertaining to Slavery In the Various States PASS
15 Racist Campaign Pamphlet 130
16 Bloody Kansas Senate Report - Minority Report PASS
17 Bloody Kansas Senate Report - Majority Report PASS
18 The Former President of Harvard Condemns Slaverty 100
19 The Methodist Church Adopts An Accommodation To Accept Slavery In The Border States 180
20 Collecting For The Estate On Slave Rentals PASS
21 The Preacher Provides Two Sermons Re: Slavery 170
22 FIVE Slave Documents 275
23 John Brown's Financial Backer Publishes A Letter - "Brown will die, I think, like a martyr” PASS
24 Scarce Electoral Ticket For Member of the Underground Railroad 40
25 R.E. Lee Approves The Prisoner Exchange 700
26 RARE Confederate Manuscript General Order - Deserters To Be Shot On The Spot PASS
27 Private John Kennedy 3rd Tennessee Suffers "A Severe Flesh Wound In His Hip & Thigh" At Chickamauga. PASS
28 Emancipation Demanded For Missouri 100
29 The End of Slavery In America - 13th Amendment 190
30 Bolles Represented Was Involved in the Rescue of Shadrach Minkins Fugitive Slave Trial 150
31 ‘Perhaps the First Professional Racist in American History’ 300
32 DR. JIVE Famous 1950's NYC Area Black Disc Jockey PASS
33 Educational Photographs - Negro Experiences In America PASS
34 Slavery - Photos of Political Cartoons 60
35 Important and Well Known Slavery Images 130
36 150 Years of African American Heroes 80
37 Seven Civil Rights Photos 110
38 The Civil Rights Act of 1875 Would Have Voided the 1896 Plessy Decision - "separate but equal" doctrine 1600
39 Georgia Condederate Soldier’s War-Dated Diary 1500
40 Wise Seriously Injured His Political Opponent In A Duel 190
41 Bloody Kansas - An Eye-Witness Account 140
42 Samuel Cooper - Positioning The 2d Dragoons and Others 50
43 Charleston Document Signed By Future CSA General Simons PASS
44 As The Owner Of The Charleston Mercury, Fire-Eater Rhett Raised the Southern Passions PASS
45 Future 8th Virginia Chaplain Is On A Evangelist Mission PASS
46 He Lost His Arm In The Mexican War - Old One Wing PASS
47 Colonel Ramsey Replaced General Garnett, The First Officer Killed in the War 650
48 The Confederate Soldier Wants To Join His Company - Governor Pickens Approves PASS
49 Battle of Manassas letter of Surgeon Erwin J. Eldridge of the 16th Georgia Infantry. 1800
50 The Politician Raises A Confederate Company PASS
51 Virginia CSA General 200
52 Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens Virginia Electoral Ticket 150
53 1861 - Colonel Hatch of the South Carolina Militia Writes General Beauregard Regarding Preparations For War PASS
54 The Justice Approves A Confederate Bill for Boarding Private PASS
55 News From The Home Front Reaches A Hampton Legion Cavalryman. PASS
56 The Newspaper Motton - “Democracy, the Constitution, and State Rights” PASS
57 A Prisoner Exchange - Signed By Major General PASS
58 The Soldier Boy 60
59 Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens Virginia Electoral Ticket 150
60 Confederate Souvenir PASS
61 “From all I can learn the Yankees made the best fight that has ever been made by them from the landing of the Pilgrims up to this time indeed.” 800
62 Alabama Soldier’s EIGHT Page Letter - Was KIA 1864 Wilderness - 'Kind hands carried him from the battlefield, and laid him to rest, in an orchard under an apple tree, in full bloom, which cast its... 1000
63 Early South Carolina Soldier’s Letter Describes Living Quarters in Moultrie House in Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s Island 700
64 “I feel it a very sad duty to write you the particulars of your son Edward’s death. ..” PASS
65 Chatty Georgia Letter Home PASS
66 The Louisiana Soldier Advises That “Confederate money is going down fast” PASS
67 1862Confederate $100 Currency Note PASS
68 “Dear Cousin Robert fell as a costly sacrifice upon the alter of Southern Freedom” PASS
69 A Member of Forrest's Command Speculates That They Are To Go To Fort Donelson With News On John Hunt Morgan's Raid In Kentucky. PASS
70 The North Carolina Soldier Has Worn Out His Shoes 60
71 The Letter Is Sent Via ‘Flag of Truce Boat’ 100
72 Writes His ‘Companion” A Month After Enlistment PASS
73 President Abraham Lincoln Declared Van Dorn a Pirate Under the Laws of the U.S. "for seizure of vessels or goods by persons acting under the authority of the Confederate States." PASS
74 Jefferson Davis Inauguration - 3 Column Reporting 80
75 Alabama - Taking The Confederate States Oath For Justice of Peace 200
76 The New York Zouaves charged the Texans of Hood's Brigade & no more than 80 ever got away, all killed or wounded 900
77 The Doctor Walks the Sharpsburg Battlefield and Provides a Very Vivid Account 2200
78 Surgeon Caspar C. Henkel - “They may take our property, our homes, our lives, but they cannot deprive us of that inheritance prepared for us above. ...You will please destroy this letter for fear... 850
79 Stonewall Jackson Vignette Confederate $1,000 Bond on Pink Paper PASS
80 Exiled Marylander Writes His Mother Of His Brother’s Death PASS
81 He Wants To Join J.E.B. Stuart’s Signal Corp PASS
82 His Father Will Not Help Him Get In PASS
83 Long and Difficult Louisiana Trip PASS
84 Scarce FLORIDA Soldier’s Letter PASS
85 The Officer Who Kept The CSA In Arms PASS
86 The Confederate Soldier “... shall try to run the Blackade to go to the city...” PASS
87 The First Report of the Death of Stonewall Jackson PASS
88 NC Confederate Soldier’s Letter 60
89 The South Carolina Soldier Writes His Brother PASS
90 Vicksburg Siege "Daily Citizen" Wallpaper Newspaper, July 2, 1863 PASS
91 On His Way To Gettysburg, “I am barefoot, and I expect to have to march through this state and on to Pennsylvania, and then maybe back to Virginia before I get any shoes..” PASS
92 “ Lewis Lawrence, an old acquaintance of mine that I knew at Greenville, now belonging to Co. D 37th N. C., is condemned to be shot today for desertion and running out of a fight.” .. and “Father... 950
93 The Chaplin Writes “They have just been firing at the Yankee balloon and it went down rapidly. We could see the shell burst from our Camp in the air. ... Our guns are on Lee's & Marye's hills &... PASS
94 A Confederate Soldier Portrait 80
95 Hospitalized the Day Before the Surrender of Vicksburg PASS
96 Marching and Fighting Through Alabama PASS
97 The Father Writes His Son Of Immortality PASS
98 Colonel R.B. Boston Is Considered The LAST CSA OFFICER KIA 200
99 Letter to South Carolina Governor Bonham Regarding The Use Of Blockade Runners PASS
100 Soldier Photo in Period Frame PASS
101 Elmira Prison, Also Known as "Hellmira," Quickly Became Infamous for its Staggering Death Rate 190
102 This NC Soldier Was Wounded And Surrendered at Greensboro PASS
103 No Extention of Furlough For This SC Soldier - But He Got $35 PASS
104 “They are shooting men here every day.” PASS
105 Establishing the CONFEDERATE MARYLAND LINE 400
106 CSA Letter From The Alabama 8th 100
107 Board the C.S.Tallahassee, Commander Wood Begins His Successful Raids On Union Ships Capturing 33 4000
108 From Letter 1, “The Yankees and Negroes were lying crossed and piled every way.” From Letter 2, “killed some few free Negroes which is not much loss in the Confederacy or any body else” From Letter... 850
109 He Sends A Souvenir Home PASS
110 The Virginia Prisoner Writes A Southern Sympathizer PASS
111 Is Concerned About His Brother PASS
112 The Maryland Confederate Asks For His Pardon PASS
113 Pass Issued By The Man Who Burned Richmond PASS
114 Scarce Maryland Major - Served Under Stonewall Jackson and Others - Wounded, Captured, Exchanged PASS
115 The Death Certificate of The Southern Confederacy 250
116 Supporting General Wheeler Late In the War PASS
117 Macon and Brunswick Railroad Company - $1.00 Fare Ticket PASS
118 Fears Of A Race War Forces This Southern Family To Relocate To Florida in 1868: "There Will Be a War Between The Negroes and White Before Another Year." 300
119 A Pamphlet Praisng Stonewall Jackson 225
120 This Mess Sergeant Served Under Robert E. Lee PASS
121 Jefferson Davis Remembered At The Lee UCV Camp 70
122 Unveiling General Thomas’ Statue PASS
123 Confederate Staff Officer's Reference: Confederate Staff Officers 50
124 Confederate Military Unit Reference: Units of the Confederate States Army. 50
125 Confederate Officer's Reference: Lee's Colonels 50
126 The General Recalls The Mex-American War 150
127 The Artwork For This Patriotic Music Sheet Was Accomplished By Nathaniel Currier PASS
128 Mexican War - “As he was talking to General Scott when a ball knocked off a mule’s head close by them. ...” 190
129 Two Signed General Orders PASS
130 Skirmishes With The Indians 100
131 His Brother’s Prophecy Of His Death Came True 70
132 The Soldier Is Not Impressed With The Capitol 50
133 A New York Soldier’s Letter Group 750
134 Large Grouping of FIFTY TWO Union Soldier’s Letters 4000
135 1st New Jersey graphic Battle of Bull Run letter written by Sgt. Albert F. Sharp. "The Southerners behaved more like Barbarous than civilized men... bayonetting our wounded on the field." 1000
136 Those Who Are Home Await News From Their Sons 50
137 Battle of Drainesville, Virginia Letter. 600
138 The 2nd Ohio Occupies Eastern Kentucky In Order To Stop Breckinridge's Army From Moving Into The Region. 150
139 Rare Account of The First Clash Between Opposing Forces At Vienna, Va., June, 1861. PASS
140 Colonel George Arrowsmith, Killed At Gettysburg "Three Cheers For The First Shot At Charleston - The Next Sentiment Will Be Down With Slavery." PASS
141 Skirmish At Ball's Cross Roads, Va.: "The Bullets Whistled Around Our Heads Pretty Thick"; Gen. McDowell "Says We Aint Worth A Damn." 200
142 Oneida Indepenent Company Cavalry 130
143 The Governor and the Secretary of War Honor the PA 38th Over The Drainsville Battle PASS
144 The PA Soldier Writes His Dear On Scarce Magnus Letter Sheet PASS
145 Stunning New York Illustrated Letter Sheet 120
146 The New York Soldier Reports Of Death and Sickness In The Camp 80
147 Rare Regimental Patriotic Stationery, "The Forty-Ninth. We Are The Crew To Raise The Stripes-Red, White and Blue." 100
148 “Fort Ellsworth this afternoon and be there to witness the execution of a soldier” 160
149 “Pollard was shot by a man behind him on the march to this place...” PASS
151 Fort Sumter March 21, 1861. Steamers Have Failed To Bring Aid. Dr. Samuel W. Crawford Writes An Extraordinary Letter from Fort Sumter By The Fort’s Surgeon PASS
152 A Battle Flag Is Presented To Ohio Home Guard Volunteers. 150
153 Ohio Militia Booklet: "Laws Relating to the Organization of the Militia of Ohio," 100
154 Wonderful Parody - “The Southern National Song - STARS and BARS” 275
155 Unusual Large Parody Song 90
156 Tiny Harbor Town of Little Eggharbor NJ 70
157 The Writer, James D. Gay, Was A Member of the Ringgold Artillery 80
158 Early Song Sheet Condemning Davis and His Crew PASS
159 One Hundred and Sixty Years Ago - Defining Our Borders PASS
160 Recommendations For Reverends and Doctors to Positions in the Chaplaincy 80
161 Will We Need to Guard The Maine Border From The Enghlish? 100
163 Acting as Assistant Secretary of War, John Tucker Expedites The Ship Movement PASS
164 The Captain of the U.S. Colored Troops PASS
165 Colonel Of The FIRST Freed Slaves Regiment. PASS
166 Soldier & Explorer - Enlisted at age 17 PASS
167 CSA Arkansas Soldier Becomes a US Senator PASS
168 Forty Years of US Naval Service PASS
169 Forty-Four Years of Naval Service - Rear Admiral Joseph N. Miller PASS
170 Actor Who Appeared In The 1st Stage Adaption of Uncle Tom's Cabin - Then Commanded And Was Wounded In The Civil War PASS
171 He Helped Organize The First Battalion To Defend The Capitol - The Clay Battalion PASS
172 Wounded Twice - Horse Shot Out Grom Under Him At Battle of Perryville Kentucky on October 8, 1862. PASS
173 General Wool, Aged 77 Was the Oldest General on Either Side As the Civil War Opened. PASS
174 The Beast of New Orleans - Spoons Butler PASS
175 His Court Martial Conviction Was Reveresed 23 Years Later PASS
176 Known as the "Christian General" Because He Based His Policy Decisions on His Evangelical Piety PASS
177 Lost Leg At Gettysburg - That Leg Is On Display At National Museum of Health and Medicine. PASS
178 While In Command of the River Boat Indianola, He Was Wounded Captured and His Vessel Was Destroyed PASS
179 Pennypacker Called "the real hero of Fort Fisher" 70
180 A Pair of Civil War Field War Correspondents PASS
181 The Freedmen’s Mission Leases Land For Oil & Gas Exploration - Pennsylvania 1896 60
182 Advertising Printed Collars and Cuffs 90
183 A Pair of War Period Chicago Music Sheets PASS
184 Discussion Regarding The Abandoment of Hatteras PASS
185 The Iowa Soldier Writes From Texas 100
186 The Massachusetts Certificate Issued For A Killed in Action Soldier ... And Is Embellished With Manuscript History Of The Soldier And His Regiment. PASS
187 Short Lived Political Magazine 50
188 The Captain Saw Action Early In the War 150
189 Three Letters From The New York "The Herkimer Regiment" PASS
190 One Of His Coleagues Laments The Removal of General Naglee By General Hunter Over Naglee’s Racists Views 150
191 Attacked By John Hunt Morgan PASS
192 Scarce Letter Written By A Negro Teamster 500
193 The Union Officer Was Wounded By Generals Longstreet and Hill Attack At Fraysers Farm PASS
194 Who Gets Credit For The Maine Enlistment Bounties PASS
195 The Soldier Prefers His Spencer To A Revolver 80
196 The Soldier Draws The Uniform “Stripes” For Identification PASS
197 “This Division has lost twenty-seven hundred men since we started out in the campaign” 300
198 Grouping of Four Letters By A New York Colonel PASS
199 Very SCARCE DELAWARE Soldiers Letter Group PASS
200 New Jersey Soldier’s FORTY-Three War-Dated Letter Grouping 3500
201 Killed By Quantrill’s Raiders PASS
202 “ ... see their glorious Confederacy before the throne of King Jeff is overthrown ...” 100
203 This Mass Soldier Was KIA, May 31, 1864 PASS
204 Huge Dark Signature Of DeKay 110
205 Capturing a 7 Star Confederate Flag PASS
206 Murdered Union Soldiers Are Found With Their Heads Cut Off Near Fredericksburg. 250
207 He Was Killed At Gettysburg, But On The Battle Of Williamsburg He Writes: "I Would Rather Die On The Battlefield - Rather Than To Fetch A Disgrace." 225
208 Where's My Bounty Money: "I Heard You Broke Open My Wife's Letter - I Felt Rather Vext." 50
209 Wild Cavalry Drilling Techniques; A Deserter Will "Get a Little Cold Lead" If He Is Caught & Brought Back. 100
210 Rare New York Rocket Battalion Letter: "I Don't Care Much - I Will Have Some Of Those Darkes Gals Here." 100
211 Rare Account of The Battle of Charleston, Missouri, January 8, 1862. PASS
213 A Member of the 124th New York (Orange Blossoms) On The Emancipation Proclamation; Battle of Antietam; Do Not Talk About McClellan. PASS
214 We "Got Negroes To Work On" Our 'Cannall' Boats; "Dockters, Will Poison You" and Gambling 300
215 Putting A Stop To Treason: The Tribute's Office Is Closed After Publishing, McClellan "Was A Coward." PASS
216 John Hunt Morgan’s First Raid On Yankeedom Raises Concern From This Kentuckian 100
217 PatrioticStationary Has a Father Abraham Poem 100
218 Metamorphic "Jeff Davis Returning From War," Union Patriotic Stationery Letter By KIA Vicksburg Siege Victim. USA Letter: 2/06/62 Pvt. Solomon Bragdon, Co. H, 56th Ohio (KIA Vicksburg, MS,... 100
219 Exceptionally Patriotic Letter 50
220 The Soldier Wants To Send For His Wife 50
221 The Wife Fears "My Dear Boys Will Be Murdered." PASS
222 The Soldier Graphically Describes The Antietam Wounded Coming Into The Hospital 100
223 The Citizen Refers to the General Lee Invasion Of Maryland PASS
224 The Southern Sympathizer “think there is but little chance for the South to succeed “ 100
225 Waltham Massachusetts Brothers George & Charles Brown Were Both Killed At Gettysburg 100
226 Tells His Friend Of His Premonition “I expect to be the first to fall” 100
227 Very Rare Use of "The Great Naval Battle Between Ericson's Monitor and Merrimac, March 9th" Patriotic Stationery. 120
228 He Resigns A Week Before His Death. PASS
229 The Official Congressional Record PASS
230 Great Patriotic Letterhead - Writer KIA at the Wilderness 50
231 The Guerillas Hanging Citizens 150
232 “The Lecompton Democracy Against The Government” 80
233 The "Zouaves d'Afrique" Covers The Retreat Of The Union Army in Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862 150
234 The Applicant Was Later Arrested PASS
235 The Union Threatens To Burn Their Houses, Execute Them, or Sieze Their Property 400
236 The Major General Captures Roanoke PASS
237 Antietam - “The most horrible & terrific sight I ever beheld since I have been in the war. I was over the battle field today to see the dead Rebs. There are five acres covered with dead Rebs. “ 1100
238 The Officer Sends The Money To The Wife Of A Collegue PASS
239 Cut Off Of Providing Provisions To Libby POWs 100
240 Vicksburg “Our skirmishes lay within 100 to 150 yards of their forts ...” 200
241 Just After Lee’s Army Was Turned Back by Defeat at Gettysburg, This Sutler Goes Back to Work PASS
242 War-Dated Letter Grouping PASS
243 The Mass Soldier Writes From North Carolina PASS
244 The New York Soldier Was Wounded At Gettysburg 130
245 Grouping of SEVENTEEN War Dated Letters PASS
246 Connecticut Soldier’s Letter Group PASS
247 Making Arrangement For His Wife To Visit - 11th Missouri PASS
248 That Dreaded Letter Home - “the death of your worthy & beloved son David” PASS
249 Nearly A Day-By-Day Account of Chickamauga 1600
250 The Union General Approves - Hilton Head 80
251 Captured By Stonewall Jackson At Harpers Ferry, "I Have Seen Something Of War And I Am Not Sick Of It." PASS
252 Drunken Atrocities By Union Soldiers. A Mother Is Yanked Out Bed Three Days After Giving Birth So They Can Burn Her Home! 800
253 Southerners "Here Seem To Be At Least Fifty Years Behind In Arts, Science, Literature." 50
254 Stealing Poultry: "He Is Said To Be A Rebel." 100
255 This Irish Widow Needs To Just Through Hoops In Order To Receive A Pension. PASS
256 The 7th New Hampshire Is Severely Cut Up During The Battle of Fort Wagner. 900
257 Battle of Cedar Creek Medical Certificate 300
258 Fitting Out A Large Expedition to Savannah 450
259 Seven Page With Lengthy Opinions Of The Hospitals and the Surgeons 225
260 Stunning Patriotic With The Maines Letetr Home PASS
261 The Civilian Awaits The Drafts - Reports The Wounding of Some Local Soldiers PASS
262 This Mass Soldier Was KIA At The Wilderness 70
263 Seldom Seen "Our Camp Fire" Patriotic Stationery - Letter Written By Ohio Soldier Who Was Accidentally Shot While on Picket PASS
264 The Ferry Across The Ohio River PASS
265 The R.I. 2nd Fought at Gettysburg 50
266 Patriotic Letter To A Union Officer - “ a second Washington might arise whose mission it should be to end this contest by a glorious victory” PASS
267 Captain Richard Worsam Meade II Writed His Younger Brother, Major General George G. Meade 150
268 The General sent all the nxxxxrs into Kentucky 100
269 “Great Battle of Chancellorsville Letter - The Rebels are piled up & not buried ... Many have been burned in piles .. Still they were fed whiskey & gun powder” 2000
270 Describes Gettysburg as “It is the hardest battle that has been fought yet” ... and in Frederick City, “we saw a spy hung on a tree, over in (the town) they left him hanging for 3 days 900
271 Attractive Civil War Map Of The Southern States 110
272 Period Printed Antietam Map PASS
273 Map, “California Territories of New Mexico Arizona Colorado Nevada and Utah" Includes the Pony Express Route 150
274 While In Battle, His Friend Is Killed 140
275 This Hospital Treated Many USCTs PASS
276 North Carolina Manuscript General Order PASS
277 Congratualting His Friend For Shootind A Rebel 70
278 This Soldier Was in Ford’s Theater, April 14, 1865 When President Lincoln Was Assassinated. PASS
279 This Soldier Wants McClellan - “we will have Little Mac for our next President” PASS
280 The Missouri Politician Asks For Presidential Pardons PASS
281 Speaking of the USCHA, “The negroes make fine-looking soldiers and they are very easily disciplined” ... 200
282 “... we all go for Lincoln & Hamlin ... It would be unjust to leave Hamlin off and take Dickinson or Johnson 200
283 This Soldier’s Three Years Service Will Satisfy Him 80
284 Incredibly Bizarre Letter - The Soldier Recounts his Dream 350
285 The Indiana Soldier Wants to Sell His Land PASS
286 This NY Soldier Died at Andersonville 500
287 The Civilian Wants To Know Where They Hung August Dolle PASS
288 Ran Away And Joined The Army At 15 170
289 This Missouri Young Man Was Mortally Wounded PASS
290 A 10 Day Missouri Pass PASS
291 A Scarce Bounty Manuscript Broadside PASS
292 “A truce was had to bury our dead. It was a sad task and a hard one as the smell was sickening” PASS
293 Battle of Peach Tree Creek Reported By A NY Soldier 150
294 Pair of Engrvavings of the Political Leaders of The Union Nad The Confederates PASS
295 Battle of Dabney Mill (Hatcher's Run) Virginia. PASS
296 Jubal Early Triumphs At The Battle Of Monocacy. "Oh, I Wish I Was Out of Dixie For It [is] So Awful Hot Done Here." 250
297 Nearly "Gobbled Up" At The Siege of Knoxville. The "Fair Sex" & of Working For The Quartermaster At Kingston, Tennessee. PASS
298 A Future Ohio U. S. Congressman Commands The Regiment Nobody Wanted! 100
299 The Bounty Needs To Be Larger For This Soldier To Reenlist 30
300 The 54th Massachusetts Volunteers Referred To "The N**ger" Regiment 180
301 The New York Soldier Writes From The Hospital PASS
302 How To Avoid The Draft For Only An Extra $50 50
303 Framable Map Of Washing , The Capital PASS
304 War period - Color Tinted - LARGE New York City Map PASS
305 Illinois Officer’s Seven Letters Grouping 500
306 The Drafted Massachusetts Soldier’s Letter Collection 1300
307 Civil War Amputee 300
308 Exquisite Hand Drawn - Colored Illustrations By An Alabama Prisoner At Johnson’s Island 4000
309 Over 15,000 Women Volunteered In This Commission PASS
310 Scathing Report Of The Treatment Of Imprisoned Union Soldier 200
311 Wilson's Captured Jefferson Davis - Irwinville, Georgia While Attempting To Flee the Country. 425
312 Don Carlos Buell Was Brevetted Three Times For Bravery 100
313 43 Year Od Pennsylvania National Guards Is Discharged PASS
314 Curious Telegram Threat Toward General Slocum PASS
315 Prisoner Of War - Castle Thunder - Letter & Photo 325
316 War Period Stanza of His Poem PASS
317 Sheridan Defeated Confederate General Jubal Early's Forces and Became a National Hero 50
318 One of the CIUSTER’S WOLVERINES -“ I only wish that we had been here when they were burning the railroad bridge. I think if we had pulled our Spencers at them, they would have been glad to have... 950
319 A Pair of Winslow Homer Prints PASS
320 This Soldier Has Seen Action In SIXTEEN Battles 125
321 From Castle Thunder Prison, He Writes, “We have at present 59 prisoners of all classes. ... Military law yet rules in the city.” 650
322 The Vacating Of The Confederate Capitol 150
323 1865 Medical Report Replete With Illustrations 90
324 Still in the Hospital After Eight Months PASS
325 MOH Winner - M.F. Manning PASS
326 The Term “American Exceptionalism” Is Born - 1865 100
327 Reporting THE Death Of KIA Captain Bassett PASS
328 Union General and Author of the best-selling novel Ben Hur - Lew Wallace 40
329 Writes Of The Celebration Of The Surrender of Robert E. Lee 160
330 Grant Summarizes the Final Year of the War PASS
331 Later, President Jefferson Davis Would Be Held Here, Fort Monroe PASS
332 Endorement of the Medical Director of East Tennessee PASS
333 1866 Historic "Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War" 100
334 Philadelphia Programme of the Ceremonies Chaired By A Prison Escape Artist, General White 100
335 The Major General Wants An Explanation PASS
336 His Leave Request Is Based On A Death PASS
337 From the Pulpit He Prayed For Our Soldiers PASS
338 Strange Historic Connection Regarding Andrew Johnson’s Impaechment - Lorenzo Thomas and Major General Robort C. Schenck PASS
339 The Debt Caused By The Civil War Brings A Call For Specie-Based Currency PASS
340 The Brig General Writes the New York Govenor PASS
341 Music Sheet - Disabled Veterans 100
342 Rosecrans Obtained Patents for The First Kerosene Lamp PASS
343 The General Wants A Copy Of A Congressional Bill PASS
344 Well Known For His “Irrepressible Conflict” Speech - William Henry Seward PASS
345 The Former Texas Governor Sided With The Union 70
346 Fressenden Was A Member of the Wirz Trial 50
347 Later Promoted To General PASS
349 Battle of Antietam - by Loius Prang 300
350 General Hamilton Shares His Abraham Lincoln Letters PASS
351 The Southern States of Georgia & South Carolina 50
352 The Swiss Send The Widows Affidavit To The Commissioner of Pensions 60
353 This Major General Was A Founder Of The Brooklyn Crosstown Railroad PASS
354 Officials Partially Blamed McCook for the Union Disaster at the Battle of Chickamauga. PASS
355 A Pair of ANTIETAM Maps Printed for the Official Records PASS
356 Massaive Report of the Battlefield of Gettysburg 100
357 An Invitation To The John Logan Statue Unveiling 200
358 “A County Thirteen Years” PASS
359 He Chased Down Jefferson Davis 110
361 Civil War Battle Flag Reference: Advance The Colors! Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. PASS
362 Lee and Longstreet Discuss Gettysburg’s First Day - Signed Limited Edition Framed Print 450
363 General Banks Tintype PASS
364 Photograph of the CSA 1st Lady Varina Davis PASS
365 Photograph of Anderson Taken at Fort Sumter PASS
366 Unusual Format Union Generals PASS
367 Confused and unable to locate the main Confederate force, Pope walked into a trap in the Second Battle of Bull Run. 100
368 Wilkes Ordered The Arrest of Mason and Slidell Off the Packet Boat, RMS Trent 100
369 For his gallantry at Bull Run he was raised to the rank of brigadier general of volunteers. PASS
370 He Led the Regiment During the New York City Draft Riots 100
371 He Ordered the First Shots of the American Civil War - Bombardment of Fort Sumter Which Lasted for 34 hours. 100
372 The 1st Union General KIA PASS
373 Signal Station Albumen PASS
374 CDV Of General Wool PASS
375 CDV Generals of the South PASS
376 South Carolina Albumen Mounted Photograph Captures Two Black Contraband In The Window 200
377 The Bloody Road - 5600 Died 250
378 Various War Stereoviews 300
379 Photograph Of A Soldier’s Sketch PASS
380 The Rock of Chickamauga - CDV PASS
381 CDV VP Stephens PASS
382 A Two for One 40
383 Lay me down and save the flag. 100
384 Tinted Tintype of a Union Army Drummer Boy 100
385 Union Veteran Trades Autographs PASS
386 Lincoln And His Commanders 100
387 Former Maj. General Banks PASS
388 The Longest Surviving Confederate Soldier 90
389 Comparing Charleston’s Mills House Early In The War to Late In The War PASS
390 Civil War Period Powder Flask, PASS