Raynor HCA 2013-07
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 7/18/2013
Bound Volume of The New York Daily News, January 1, 1864 through May 28, 1864, 126 issues, each issue 8pp. The first and last dates have minor damage, occasionally issues are untrimmed, the balance are very good. The period binding is loose, yet both boards are present. Civil war period bound volumes of daily newspapers simply don’t come up. This is a rare opportunity. The Daily News was opposed to Lincoln and his administration, but seemed to be very loyal to the Union, although slightly racist. Its’ war reporting appears timely, accurate and plentiful. Considerable reports regarding Colored Soldiers. A quick glance yields the following front page headlines; Bounties to Volunteers, Message of the President; Mosby repulsed; Guerillas Captured in Virginia; Thanks to Major Generals; Colored Soldiers and Their Pay; A Runaway Slave A Victim; Movements of Forrest’s Cavalry; Federal Fight With Negroes; Half a Million Men called; Attack on Fort Morgan; Supposed Fall of Mobile; Spirited Fight Near Smithfield; Retreat of the Federals; Confiscation Act; Payment of Colored Troops; Capture of Blockade Runners; Confederates Occupy Cornith; General early’s Recent Captures; Bill to Repeal the Fugitive Slave Law; The Traitor Officer Shot; Escape of Federal Officers from Libby Prison; Confederates Defeated; Kit Carson Among the Navajos; General Longstreet at Morristown; General Johnston Preparing to Attack; Defeat of General Polk; Federal Soldier Hung as Spy; Retreat of Longstreet; Three Hundred Prisoners Taken; Riot at Elmira; Occupation of Selma; A Negro Regiment Run; General Lee Re-Enforced; Three Confederate Rams Armed; Mosby’s Operations in Virginia; Eight Hundred Prisoners Exchanged; The Death Of Dahlgren; Late Call For Troops; Advance of General Forrest; Paducah Captured; Gen. Forrest Near Columbus; Fight With Apaches; federal Force Routed; Review of the Negro Troops; A Confederate Spy Captured; Equalization of Negro Troops; Position of General Lee; Fort Pillow Investigations; General Stuart Said To Be Alive; Negro Soldiers Gave No Quarters .....
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