Raynors HCA 2019-01
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/21/2019
War-date Confederate soldier Autograph Letter Signed by Elisha J. Humphries, Phillips Legion Cavalry, Co. A “Governor’s Horse Guards” of Georgia, 4pp. quarto, Between Petersburg & Weldon, June 30, 1864, and reads in part: “...I have been in three heavy fights since I left you all at home. The first was on the 22nd , the second on the 24th, the thrid was on the night of the 29th and the morning of the 29th. The last one was the heaviest fire that we was ever under. I worked harder that night than I ever did in my life, trying to get us some breastwork fixed up which we succeeded in doing after whipping the Yanks back twice. They charged us four different times that night, but ever got nearer than 40 yards of our breast work either time before we drove them back...yesterday morning was the time that we caught it after waiting awhile for them to advance on us and they not doing so. We conducted to advance on them. When we had advanced about half a mile we found them behind their breast work waiting for us and the way they did pour balls into our ranks was a sad sight. They was giving us fits when Butlers Brigade took them on the right flank completely routing them. They area raiding party that cut the rail road in two and tried to take Danville. We captured so report says about two thousand. Only about one hundred has arrived however the others say was captured last night. Our company had some four hundred of their horses last night to guard. Gen. Hampton I think will get very nigh all of them yet if he has not already done so as he has them entirely cut off from their army. Though the report is that Sheridan is coming to their relief, if he is there will be some more hard fighting...the Yanks have been very kind with furnishing me with equipment since I have been out. They have furnished me with saddle bridle halter, gun, pisotl and anything that I wanted in that line. They also furnished me with a piece of shell on the left arm above the elbow night before least...I am sick of hearing cannon fire...” Fine condition.
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