2025-01 Raynors Historical Collectible Auctions
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 1/26/2025
Documentary Photo Aids was an educational supplier of reproduction photographs covering various periods of American history. Each professional photo has a printed caption describing the image. Additionally, when bought in topic groups, DPA would include a Teacher’s Guide providing the history of that period. These are 14” x 11”, c1960-1970.. Unlikely they could be used in public schools today. Group of ELEVEN President Kennedy photos: A Reception showing President Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy and others; plus, Oval Office photo of Kennedy on a phone call; plus, The Kennedys and Governor Connally arrive at Love Field, Dallas, November 22, 1963. Mrs. Kennedy is presented with roses; plus, The limousine carry the President, Mrs. Kennedy and the Connallys through downtown Dallas; plus, A rare photo of the asasination. This Polaroid photo was taken a sixth of a second after a rifle bullet ended John F. Kennedy’s life. Apart from Abraham Zapruder’s movie, it’s the best photographic evidence from the scene in Dealey Plaza. On November 22, 1963, Mary Moorman was standing at the edge of the grassy knoll, near the curb, with her friend Jean Hill. They can be seen in the Zapruder film. Reportedly, Moorman sold the original Polaroid in 2008 for $175,000; plus, Texas School Book Depository , Daley Plaza, scene of John Kennedy's assassination. Arrow points to window where the assassin fired from to kill President John Kennedy; plus, Lyndon Johnson, flanked by Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs Johnson is sworn in aboard Air Force One; plus, Robert Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedywatch the body of President John Kennedy being removed from Air Force One at Andrews; plus, The Caisson bearing the casket of President Kennedy up Pennsylvania Avenue; plus, As the funeral procession passes, Robert Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, John Jr. Carolina and the Johnsons reverently stand in silence; plus, The son John Kennedy Jr. salutes as President Kennedy’s coffin passes.
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Historic Photographic Collection Of President Kennedy  Including The RARE Polaroid Photo

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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $0.00
Estimate: $200 - $300
Auction closed on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
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