Raynors HCA 2019-01
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/21/2019
Group of eight war-date Confederate soldier Autograph Letters Signed by Elisha J. Humphries, Phillips Legion Cavalry, Co. A “Governor’s Horse Guards” of Georgia, multipage, and read in small part: [Turkey Town Camp Grounds 12/18/1861] This and the adjoining county is a perfect Tory country if they had a half a chance bu the military is knocking them into fits when they see us coming they pitch out for the mountain like blazes. Sometimes they catch them and sometimes they don’t. Where ever they catch them they make them take the oath and if they will not take the oath to support the Confederate states constitution they arrest them and send them onto Richmond...[10/8/1862 Martinsburg, Va.]You see that we are on the very outside next to the Yankees and the first fire starts with us....It looks very strange to see a parcel of men fishing on both sides of the river seemingly the best friends in the world and probably in less than an hour trying to shoot one another down. They never fire at each other unless one or the other tries to cross the river...[9/3/62 Richmond] Where we are going to I don’t know but I suppose on to our legion who are under Longstreet or rather in Longstreet’s division but really under old Stonewall....[10/30/62 Martinsburg] Dr. Richard Boazeman asked me to write to you and get you to write back word how his old aunt Patsy Smith was getting along. He is brother to Jim Boazeman that the negroes killed....[11/12/1862 Near Madison Court House] The Yankees was about to cut us off down through here. Gen Stewart has been fighting them for the last eight days more or less. We would have been in with them but was standing picket last Tuesday when the Yankees got between us and Gen. Hamptons Brigade and cut us off from his soe we had to go back to Gen. D.H. Hill Division and he kept us straight on picket and scouting together until last Saturday when Gen. Hampton set after us to join him again so here we are again nearly to him....They say there is a plent of Yankees about Culpepper Court House...Old Stonewall seems to be staying way behind for some purpose. Ther is something out by all the troops moving about so somebody will get a whipping in less than a week I think...[6/12/64 6 miles from Richmond] They seem to be fighting below here about six miles from the way the cannon is firing. All of the dismounted men are down there in the breastworks. They say they have much the easiest time. The mounted men are all off after Sherman who is trying to make a yard around our men but I expect tehy will find old Hampton so much for them...[3/12/65 PeeDee River, North Carolina] I am now in the rear of the Yansk with a portion of our regiment trying to make our way around Sherman’s left flank to get in his front. I expect we will have a lively time of it when we get there. When we left Charleston we was in front of Sherman but he out marched me and got a head of me...If you will look on the map of South Carolina and find Wadesboro you will see where we are or rather we are camped tonight 10 miles from there right on the banks of the PeeDee River. The Yanks have destroyed a great deal in their march through this state. They have done it worse than they did Georgia...” More. Fine condition.
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