Raynors HCA 2019-01
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/21/2019
War-date Union soldier Autograph Letter Signed by Lewis Prall, 1st Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, 4pp. octavo, on fine patriotic stationary, Camp Pierpont, December 1, 1861, and reads in part: “...On last Tuesday evning the first cavalry regiment went out towards Leesburg where the Rebels have a large force laying and when they got about 5 miles from here, they were fired into by 300 Secessionists concealed in the woods and bushes. The fight resulted in 4 Rebels killed and one wounded, which they brough with them to the hospital here, but he afterwards died. They also brought 13 other prisoners with them by here and took them on to Washington...There was a captain and a lieutenant amongst the prisoners. They took Dr. Day out of bed and brought him along. He is one of the rankest Secesh in Virginia. Ther was none of our men taken prisoners, but he Doctor of the cavalry wounded. He afterwards died and another man shot in the Regiment. He also died. They shot poison balls at our men. If it had been me that had taken them prisoners, I would not of brought them to camp. I would of shot the cowardly dogs. They brought the wounded Secesh and one of our wounded men in an ambulance in together. Both shot in the head. Our man wanted the men to give him a pistol to shoot the Secesh with, but they would not do it. If it had of been me, I would very soon gave it to him, for any person that puts poison in their balls ought to be killed....” More. Fine condition.
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