Raynors HCA 2019-01
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/21/2019
War-date Union soldier Autograph Letter Signed by E.T. Weist, 25th Pennsylvania Infantry, 8pp. octavo, on patriotic stationary, Washington Arsenal, July 12, 1861, and reads in part: “...I was at the Capitol the other day to see Maj. J.H. Campbell about our Expiration. He just had news from our moving Companies to our Regt. Tehy were then near Harpers Ferry, intend to return back to Relay House to meet us on our way home...Since Friday night last the boats, Baltimore & Philadelphia, are carrying troops day & night from here...Last evenign we were informed that Gen. Beauregard had evacuated Fairfax and intends to take a firm position at Manassas. Our own idea by all appearances will be a heavy attack at some point soon...On Friday last week the N.York Ellsworth’s Zouaves got disobedient to some of their officers. Some came to Washington on a dare. I heard they would not obey no one if they could not get a man like Ellsworth. They made a side of trouble in the evening near our quarter. Two stopped a man in a carriage (Zouaves) dismounted the man. Immediately six of our men were detailed to assist the man. They dared us at first with their sword & revolver. They gave in the man, drove off our Capt. released them in night. We were again aroused, a party of Zouaves had broke into a respectable private house and abused the family and a young lady. Women of all classes are really in danger....They are dangerous to arrest them for fear you would get the whole Regt against you. On Saturday morning...one was shot at a block of bad houses. He wanted to enter. He was refused. He drew his revolver when some one shot him dead on the spot. A band of the Zouaves went in the afternoon on Saturday last. Set fire to three adjoining houses, burned them to ashes, guarded so no fire engine could come to quench the fire. They were at last routed by the Maj., assisted by Cavalry...Some of the NY Geribaldians behaved the same way. Afterward they all agreed to take arms and were released from prison. My opinion of the N.York soldiers ain’t very good...” Much more. Fine condition.
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