Raynors HCA 2019-01
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/21/2019
War-date Union soldier Autograph Letter Signed by Elias S. Peck, 10th Connecticut Infantry, 6pp. octavo, Deep Bottom, Virginia, July 6, 1864, and reads in part: “...We was on picket the 4th of July...next morning all the troops here was turned out as an attack was expected as we heard that the rebels were strongly reinforced but they did not come. Most our Regt. was on fatigue at the breastworks. Part of our Co. & K and a squad from another Regt. went out to destroy some fields of wheat. We went to a field by our pickets close to the house where that woman lived that I wrote about in one of my other letters. She was put outside of our lines on the 4th July for signaling to the rebels to shoot our men. The wheat we destroyed was very fine wheat....I went into the house and got some scraps of rebel newspapers, which I will send home...There was a man’s skull on the mantle piece in the house...They said there was 600 acres of splendid wheat all in one lot and belonging to one man, a Major in the rebel army. He owned 500 slaves and they say he owns 15,000 acres of land...Our gun boats prevented the rebels from cutting the wheat...I hear the rebels are making a raid into Maryland if the militia troops there don’t catch them. They ain’t worth much...A rebel deserter came in early this morning he was a smart boy nearly 18..He belonged to North Carolina. He said he was on picket and stuck up his gun and left....The Richmond city guards are out here....You wrote about Gen. Grant taking Richmond. He don’t care so much about take Richmond he wants to capture Lee’s Army...Grant means to starve them out of Richmond. He ain’t going to take his men up to their strong breast works and them nearly all killed off...” More. Fine condition.
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