Select Session:  
Lot NumberTitleFinal Price
1 Rare Norse Viking Ring 50
2 John Dickson's FARMER's LETTERS #III& #IV 200
3 Horses For Washington's Army PASS
4 Samuel Miles - Taken Prisoner During the Revolution PASS
5 The Revolutionary Soldier Wants His Pay PASS
6 This Newspaper Reports That Three States Ratified The Federal Constitution. 200
7 Payment Voucher For Rev War Vet 140
8 One of the Very Few Contemporary Images of Bunker Hill 130
9 Rhode Island Approves The US Constitution 130
10 Dr. Edwards, George Washington Attending Doctor, PASS
11 Revolutionary War Double Agent 275
12 Denmark Vesey Revolt PASS
13 The Sale Of Two Slave 200
14 FIVE Slave Documents PASS
15 Jefferson Davis Challenged This Author To A Duel PASS
16 The Most Dramatic Orator In The American Antislavery Movement PASS
17 The Appraisal of 35 Slaves 400
18 Estate Appraisal Includes The Slaves Appraisal 250
19 A Pair of Slave Rental Promissory Notes 275
20 The Doctor Says The Slave Women Does Not Have Gonorrhea 150
21 The Incredible Iconic SLAVE DECK Image Book, 475
22 In The CSA Army Just One Month And He And His Company Killed 5 Yankees PASS
23 The Confederate Soldier Concludes, "The enemy must be very scared of Longstreet." PASS
24 A Price Was On Garrison's Head 60
25 Nearly 300,000 Black Soldiers Served in WWI PASS
26 The Myth of the Loyal Slave 60
27 An Extraordinary Collections of Slave Huts, Auction Blocks Markets. The Histories of These Buildings Will Will Amaze You. PASS
28 Jesse Owens Races a Horse 120
29 U.S. Supreme Court Decision that struck down the "Separate but Equal" - Brown v. Board of Education PASS
30 Greensboro Woolsworth Counter Sit-In 1960 70
31 Headline - "Malcom X Shot to Death at Rally Here" PASS
32 Riot San Francisco Bayview Hunters Point PASS
33 The Civil Rights Activist, James Meredith Is Shot PASS
34 Five Day Civil Rights March Perry to Atlanta - 110 Miles PASS
35 Renowned Black Political Cartoonist Draws Down On Nixon Chester Commodore PASS
36 The African American Cartoonists Shows Nixon's Bias Against Blacks and the Press PASS
37 Arrested Black Panther Leader Eldridge Cleaver at Alameda Court PASS
38 The Segregationist Alabama George Wallace Defies The Federal Integration Of The University PASS
39 The Greensboro Massacre - 1979 PASS
40 A Pair of Confederate Bills 100
41 An Incredible Chain of Ownership By VMI Cadets/CSA Soldiers PASS
42 The Bond Still Has Still 20 Coupons PASS
43 Confederate Patriotic Color Printed Cards 225
44 Very Low Bond Number - Signed By President Tyler's Son PASS
45 Ungraded Group of SIX Confederate Bills 350
46 The Confederate Soldier Says "I worked and fought on the Sabbath. Was exposed to all the fury of the storms of battle and the hazard of picket guard." 800
47 Confederate General Holmes Predicts 1st Manassas PASS
48 The Ordnance Used To Bombard Fort Sumter 550
49 The Captain Notifies The Father Of The Death Of His Son 375
50 Early Reference to the Ship "Planter" Which Was Later Commandeered By Slave Robert Smalls 1700
51 The 4th South Carolina Lieutenant Writes Home 100
52 ... very day we hear of Pickets being killed on one side or the other ... 150
53 General Beauregard's Manuscript Telegram to General Clark Pierre 2000
54 Early Confederate Patriotic Handbill 130
55 A Very Rare Confederate Patriotic, 10-Star, Stars & Bars Flag 375
56 Brigadier-General Maxcy Gregg Takes Command In South Carolina PASS
57 His Name Sake Was His Grandfather, South Carolina Senator John Caldwell Calhoun PASS
58 The Confederate Soldier Signs The Only Confederate Government Election Ticket PASS
59 Alabama Governor Moore Gives Support To The Commandant of Cahaba Military Prison 100
60 The CSA General Says, "We want to hang them all and are now waiting orders from Genl. Beauregard" 900
61 R.E. Lee's Cousin Writes Lee For An Appointment While Serving In Stuart's Cavalry PASS
62 Four Page Letter on Confederate Patriotic Stationary Written From FORT MOULTRIE PASS
64 Important Fort Sumter Letter Written Only Weeks Before It Was Fired On By The Confederates PASS
65 The Confederates At Hatteras Capture A Union Schooner - 1861 200
66 The Colonel Wishes The Governor May Triumphantly Continue as Chief Executive of the State. PASS
67 John Henry Winder, Confederate Army Brigadier General Is Honored On This Bond PASS
68 Virginia Confederate Soldier Writes of Fredericksburg 1300
69 The Mississippi Confederate Jubilantly Writes of the CSA Victories 400
70 This Captain Is Recognized To Have Gone The Furthermost In Pickett's Charge PASS
71 Lee's ADC Charles Marshall Issues Authorization To Raise A Company PASS
72 The Soldier "Has No Fear" 200
73 Her Husband Was KIA - She Wants The Remains PASS
74 Firing at Yankees Near the Dunker Church, Antietam 150
75 The South Carolina Soldier Is Listed on the CSA Roll of Honor PASS
76 A Large North Carolina Letter Group PASS
77 This 5th Texas Soldier Was Captured At Sharpsburg 300
78 In Less Than One Month From Writing This Letter, The Alabama Officer Was Killed In Action 1600
79 This Letter Pertains to the Expedition by Flag Office Andrew Hull Foote Who Assigned the Lexington and the Conestoga Gunboats to Move From Paducah up the Tennessee River 300
80 The Virginia Confederate Fawns On His Cousin 375
81 Confederate Quartermaster Form Preprinted on "Confederate States of America, Quartermaster General's Department" letterhead, 50
82 Governor Moore Sends A Doctor To Make Cartridges For The Confederacy at Pensacola 100
84 Jackson rode up to within about 200 yards of them and waving his handkerchief, called upon them to surrender. 850
85 The CSA Captain Is Acquitted PASS
86 The Georgia Soldier Thinks Bragg Is Ridged - Desserts Six Months Later PASS
87 Clean TEXAS CSA Document 170
88 The Confederate Nashville Runs The Blockade 225
89 The Virginia Confederate Widow Receives Funds 250
90 The First Confederate States Secretary of the Treasury Honored While Still In Office - Memminger PASS
91 Different Version of the $500 CSA Bond PASS
92 Mid-War CSA Bond Mid-war bond issued from the Confederate Capital at Richmond, Virginia. PASS
93 The Irony - This CSA Bond Displays 'The Richmond Customs House' Built By The Federal Government 1858 PASS
94 Vice President Stephens Is Illustrated On This CSA Bond PASS
95 Soldier Rail Road Ticket Issued To A Florida Surgeon 150
96 The Confederate Soldier Wants To Trade Places With A Conscript In Georgia PASS
97 ... the Magazine exploded killing ten and wounding thirty - Fort Sumter - 1863 PASS
98 Arkansas Confederate Letter by Future KIA Soldier PASS
99 Mississippi Marriage - 1863 PASS
100 The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana and Founder of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America - PASS
101 This Georgia Soldier Is On His Way To Gettysburg - BAREFOOTED. PASS
102 The Dentist Is Too Busy to Help The Doctor 450
103 One man was shot in my front, shielding me from the ball 600
104 The North Carolina Soldier Died Of Disease PASS
105 Erlanger Confederate Cotton £200 Bond of 1863 A British and French Cotton Loan issued during the Civil War. 300
106 Scarce Confederate Diary/Account Book 300
107 The Famous Wallpaper Edition of "The Daily Citizen" 1000
108 Very Nice Confederate Bill 450
109 Porcher Miles Designed The CSA Flag 150
110 Fort Moultrie Was Held By The Confederates Through The War Until February 1865. PASS
111 Point Lookout - Prisoner's Letter 110
112 ... as certain as there is a just God in heaven, we, who survive, will come out in this great contest gloriously and with victory ... 200
113 The Confederate Pass Is Signed By Issac Carrington - Fascinating Soldier PASS
114 Confederate Imprint: General Orders Detailing The Disposition Of Dead Soldiers Clothing PASS
115 Very Late Alabama Confederate PASS 500
116 The Virginia Solder Granted A 40 Day Furlough After Capture, Imprisoned, Paroled and Exchanged PASS
117 The Confederacy Loses Too Many "Good Men" In '65! 100
118 if we do not bring the negroes in, the Yankees will overrun our country 850
119 Along With R.E. Lee, H.E. Young Was One of Six Signers of the Confederate Parole at Appomattox. 120
120 The Former Confederate General Runs This Railroad 200
121 The Former CSA Officer Runs The Mining Company 150
122 Collection of Indian Territory United Daughters of the Confederacy Postal History and Letters. PASS
123 Wheeler Writes His Daughter Regarding Traveling Plans PASS
124 Wheeler Accepts A Dinner Invitation PASS
125 The Variations of the CSA Flag 50
126 North Carolina Soldier's Pocket Gospel PASS
127 President Davis Image on the $1000 Bond PASS
128 Fascinating Group Of Four Reproductions This group of four Reproductions are fascinating. PASS
129 A Well Written New York Soldier's Letter Archive PASS
130 Nine Period Civil War Printed Maps PASS
131 Maine Issues A Group of Four Soldier's Family Checks PASS
132 Guarding The Nation's Capital PASS
133 The Captain Passes Down His Tactics Manuals PASS
134 The Maine Soldier's Letter Grouping PASS
135 Give My Love To Your Girl - I Should Of Written To Her But I Have Forgotten Her Name. PASS
136 Union Martyr Patriotic Letter Written Entirely in Short Hand. PASS
137 Before They Were Called Contrabands "Negroes are far in the majority, here in our camp eager to get on as a waiter for some of the officers PASS
138 Col. Robert A. Anderson Visits Cincinnati Shortly After Fort Sumter's Fall. PASS
139 The USS Pawnee Attacks Mathias Point, Virginia June 1, 1861. 400
140 The Union "Disaster" At Ball's Bluff Leaves This Mother Anxious For News From Her Son. 100
141 The Pennsylvania Soldier Writes From The Hospital PASS
142 Hand Tinted Letter Sheet PASS
143 The Trent Affair Pamphlet PASS
144 Toucey Was Replaced By Gideon Wells PASS
146 Dixie for the Union Was Sung To The Music Of Camptown Races PASS
147 Irene Gillete's Composition "Or Country" 100
148 This Soldier Writes From Camp Only 5 Days After Enlisting. PASS
149 Union Officer's Note to His Wife - "I will see you, It may be the last time .." PASS
150 Massachusetts Soldier Letter Group PASS
151 The Camp Was Named After Colonel Meredith PASS
152 Letter Grouping Of Surgeon Rohrer PASS
153 Sunk A CSA Steamer on the Gauley River 250
154 Early Union General Document - DC PASS
155 The Select Committee Of Five Investigate Rumors Of Secession PASS
156 Bulky Collection From This Illinois Soldier PASS
157 A Pair Of West Point Document For Future Union Officer - 1861 PASS
158 Recruiting SHARP SHOOTERS In New York 900
159 An Illustration Of Jeff Davis Swinging Broadside 170
160 Graphic Pennsylvania Recruiting Broadside 1700
161 Drilling The Troops - In Color PASS
162 From South Mountain - Bragg Sends A Cannon Ball 80
163 Wounded FOUR Times - At Antietam He Lists The KIAs In His Company 200
164 The Renown Civil War Artist, Robert Fulton Weir 160
165 Cartoons of "Ye Lamented Captain Bradley" 600
166 the carnival of blood ... is not yet sufficient for the inordinate appetite of the politician ... 275
167 The Pennsylvania Soldier Walks The Battlefield PASS
168 He Died With His Breast To The Foe 300
169 The Pennsylvania Soldier Writes To His Brother ON THE DAY HE WAS WOUNDED 750
170 The Iowa Soldier's Very Large Letter Group .. and .. His War-Date Relics 5700
171 Hooker Said 'That instead of the officers laughing, they should all be weeping for the condition of the Union.' 130
172 Describes the Expedition by Flag Officer Samuel Du Pont to take Fernandina, Florida PASS
173 Bob Lane, "Got To Fire 3 Rounds At The Rebels In The Pittsburg [Landing] Fight And Came Out All O. K. 110
174 Hand Drawn Valentine: Chancellorsville & Gettysburg-"A Slight Wound In My Knapsack Which Tore A Hole In My Shirt ." 150
175 Sutler Wagons, "Where Sogers Can Pay All Their Money To A Disadvantage" & Getting New Springfield Rifles, "Very Nice & Good Ones Too." 110
176 McClellan Reviews Them While They Are Fortifying The Approaches To Washington. PASS
177 I Don't Blame You For Wanting To Fight For Our Country - You Will Find It Is Made Up Of Hardships Of Every Kind. PASS
178 A Union Sergeant's Adventures In The North Carolina Countryside. We Gave Two "Darkies" Biscuits and "They Went Away Rejoicing And So Did We." 120
179 Are You Letting The Girls Suffer. "Two Men Died - It Was A Mysterious Complaint. The Doctors Do Not Know What It Is." 100
180 Iowa's Treasury Department "War Tax" Letter. PASS
181 The Wounded From Antietam Pour Into Chester, Pennsylvania. 130
182 Attack And Seizure of Fort Macon, North Carolina, April, 1862. 150
183 Surviving The Seven Day's Campaign; The 5th New York Zouaves Are "Cut Up Pretty Bad." 150
184 Poisoned Pies & Apples at Benton Barracks. He Would Be Dead Die Within Two weeks. 100
185 After Shiloh: I Am Coming Home As Soon As I Get A Discharge. I Have Been In One Of The Hardest Battles That Ever Was Fought." 180
186 Addressing Rumors Of An Officer's Numerous Drinking Sprees To Washington. 100
187 An Ohio Neighbor Is Among The Rebel POWs Taken At Fort Donelson. 300
188 Go To Hell, Ike -I Sit Down Flat On My Ass To Write You A Few Lines. 150
189 Honest Old Abe's "Big Guns" Will Bring Fear To The Rebels At Yorktown. 100
190 General Ferrero's Scout From New Bern, June 1862; Quaker Guns; Bridge Burning; Evan's Plantation and Saw/Grist Mills. A historically important and informative Union officer's account of a small... PASS
191 Small Pox And Selfishness Come To Wartime Washington, D. C. PASS
192 Mr. Henry -Says He Is Proud To Have - His Son Die In So Good A Cause As Defending His Country & Country's Flag! 100
193 Taking Vicksburg in '62: "We Are The Chaps That Can Do it" and The USS Carondelet "Looked savage." 130
194 Ruggles' Sugar Policy Is Scrutinized By A Mere Captain. PASS
195 President James Garfield Lost An Election To This Man: Brigadier General Erastus Barnard Tyler Letter. 100
196 Whiskey, Desalination Machinery, USS Niagara Is "A Snorter" and Rebel Deserters At Key West, Florida. 550
197 Our Company Is Unfortunately Composed Of Three Different Sets Of Men. 120
198 Gideon Wells Orders Naval Lieutenant To Port Royal 150
199 Naval Deserter? - The Naval Secretary Wells Wants To Kown 100
200 DuPont Approves More Engineers 110
201 The Navy Starts The Siege Of Charleston Sylvanus William Godon (June 18, 1809 - May 17, 1879) was an American naval officer who served in the Mexican-American and American Civil War. 110
202 The Soldiers Cheer Their Sergeant PASS
203 Proud Poem - 33rd Mass Vols Manuscript Union Poem "Company K 33rd Reg. Mass Vols", 100
204 Endorsed Discharge Certificate Document Signed by William D. Whipple. PASS
205 Virginia Merchant Is Charged With Disloyalty PASS
206 Manuscript Union Soldier's Pass PASS
207 Manuscript Union Loyal Citizen's Pass PASS
208 The NY Soldier Readies For Home PASS
209 Extraordinary TWELVE PAGE Soldier's Letter On the Battle of West Point Virginia 1700
210 All the color guards was either killed or wounded 1300
212 8 Page Letter in Ink Describing J.E.B. Stuart's Raid on Chambersburg, Pa. 1500
213 In Preparation For Gettysburg, The Michigan Soldier Claims "I think if we had pulled our Spencers at them, they would have glad to have left." PASS
215 Disability Document Signed By General Miller PASS
216 General Sigel Writes To Stanton And Gets Cluseret A Commission PASS
217 The Soldier Advises, "We have a great deal of fun playing ball" PASS
218 Document Signed By Future Union General William H, Morris (1827-1900) PASS
219 It Seems The Soldiers On Both Sides Are Tired Of This War They Don't Want Any More Winter Quarters PASS
220 Illinois Soldier's Discharge 40
221 The Surgeon Disciplines His Medical Staff PASS
222 Scarcely Seen - Naval Potomac Pass PASS
223 The Lieutenant Colonel Gets A Furlough Only Three Days Before His Death PASS
224 The Gun Designers, James Ames and A.H. Emery Discuss A Dahlgren Gun PASS
225 Orders To Col. Wm W. H. Davis Who Briefly Commanded The 54th Mass PASS
226 Noted Civil War Artist Writes Home 100
227 Great Content Grouping -Includes The Death Notice Letter To His Mother 1300
228 This Maine Soldier Advises, "Pity those who come in range of my trusty rifle." PASS
229 A Boot Thief Is Charged With Desertion! 100
230 Future President Rutherford B. Hays Receives News Of Rebel Attack At Gauley Bridge, West Virginia. 325
231 Annie Is Going To Stay Tonight - Not A Creature On The Place - But Her & The Colored Boy. It Is Too Bad For Her To Be Left Alone So. PASS
232 While On Recruiting Duty Back In Illinois. His Recruiting Broadside Were All Torn Down. 100
233 Gettysburg Campaign Casualties Are Buried While An Officer's Black Servant Is Abducted! PASS
234 A Very Hard March For Both Men And Jackass. PASS
235 This Soldier Needs Greenbacks "For Northern Money Will Not Pass Here." PASS
236 The Picket Guard Wants " To Kill The Coon." PASS
237 Messmate Baker Drowned This Morning After Going For A Swim. PASS
238 New York Draft Riots & "Your Policy Of The PEACE PARTY Are Put Down; PASS
239 The Battle of Gettysburg, Lee's Escape & The Draft Comes To The North, Summer 1863. 300
240 Summer of Success 1863; Mobs and "Rowdies and Secesh" Infect Northern Cities; 69th New York and General Corcoran Is: "A Fine Looking Man" PASS
241 A Personal Gift Leads General Robert H. Milroy To Reply: "Hearty Thanks Of Both My Private & Military Family!" PASS
242 Getting An Orderly Sergeant's Promotion While A Friend "Fibs" To Get Extra Rations. PASS
243 The Sunny Side of Soldier Life Comes To Newport News: "If Soldier's Life Were Always As Nice As It Is Here I Should Certainly Reenlist." 50
244 Northern Copperheads Fear the Draft; "I Will Not Reenlist Previous To Coming Home" and "No Money - Will Pass Here But Greenbacks." PASS
245 Traveling In Kentucky Before Going Home. PASS
246 General Burnside Congratulates The 27th New Jersey On Their Distinguished Service In The Field. PASS
247 Commander Williamson Relieved PASS
248 Written To A Wounded Gettysburg Soldier Of The Maine 20th Infantry - Mentions KIAs At Gettysburg 150
249 This Soldier Plays A Trick On His Fellow Soldier PASS
250 ... I think this war will not be settled as long as the government has got money ... 70
251 The Lieutenant Advocates For Bounties For His Soldiers PASS
252 Rare Union Endorsement Signed By Five (5) Union Generals, Including Irish Brigade Commander Robert Nugent 200
253 The New York Soldier Tries To Help Recruit PASS
254 Tells Mother of Soldier's Camp Life. 100
255 ... we give them a hard rub at Gettysburg ... PASS
256 Colonel Wister Was Wounded 1st Day At Gettysburg 200
257 Memorial For 139th Pennsyvania, Company E. 120
258 Large Grouping of Documents and Letters of This Massachusetts Officer PASS
259 The French Union General's Letter 120
260 Paying the General After Gettysburg 120
261 The Massachusetts Soldier Focused His Diary on The Siege of Port Hudson 600
262 Pennsylvania Soldier's Group PASS
265 Soldier's Bounty Check Issued by County Commissioners Office, 250
266 The Sanitary Commission Card Is Signed The Same Date As The Soldier's Disability Discharge PASS
267 The Extraodinary Ad - Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation Will Be Sold Through This Bazaar. 250
268 The Union Soldier Writes His Wife About A Woman With Clap 100
269 The Guerrilla Sheldon Cole Is Captured 225
270 Witnessed Military Executions In North Carolina 250
271 Map of Todd's Tavern PASS
272 This Soldier Writes Of The Aftermath Of Explosion Of The Crater 900
273 The Heroism Of The USCT Captain Albert Janes 950
274 General Thomas Wants The Captured Flags and Will Recommend Medal of Honor For Those Who Captured Them 150
275 Following Through. Let Us End The War: "I Received A Slight Wound - But I Am Still Able For Duty." 100
276 Brother Against Brother. His Brother Is A Colonel In The CSA Army 100
277 Just Days Before The Battle of Shiloh: "Tell All The Girls That - If They Will Come Over Some Saturday Evening That They Can Have My Company If They Desire It." 100
278 The Battle of Port Royal Ferry, S. C.; Fearing That England Might Enter the War. 160
279 Killed In Action In 1864 This Soldier Writes From Georgia In 1862. PASS
280 An 18th Corps Supply Stores Supervisor Makes "Dismal Swamp" Muddy Water Coffee At City Point. 325
281 A Gettysburg Hero And His Very Racist "De [Henry Ward] Beecher Chapel" Poetry. 100
282 General Nathan B. Forrest Rattles Memphis' Union Garrison; Their Colonel Graduated With Grant From West Point. PASS
283 Blood Is Split In Order To Remove "The Curse Of Slavery" from "Our Country." 250
284 Writing While The Battle of Globe Tavern Rages. He Goes Missing In Battle Weeks Later. 160
285 Admiral Dahlgrin Orders Commander Williamson To "test the speed of your vessel" 100
286 The Literary Sergeant Writes His Girl in Berrien Springs Michigan 100
287 Patriotic Union Poems PASS
288 The Colonel Drank Too Much PASS
289 The Hospitalized Captain Was Awarded the Medal of Honor PASS
290 The Soldier Lost One Leg And Now Writes The Surgeon PASS
291 The Last Doctors Notes On The Wounded Lieutenant 100
292 The Maryland Surgeon's Weekly Report - The Potomac Home Brigade PASS
294 ... Jackson is dead from the effects of the amputation of an arm ... PASS
295 Libby Prison Letter - Mentions The BUTTONS SENT HOME - PASS
296 General Frederick Steele's Command At The Battles of Prairie D'Ane and Camden, Arkansas. PASS
297 There is 1478 Rebs buried here this last year ... PASS
298 Southern Ladies - Smuggling 30 Revolvers PASS
299 We were entirely surrounded when we started from Alexandria but we cut our way out. 160
300 General Terry Arrived Shortly After the Battle of Little Bighorn and Discovered the Bodies of Custer's Men. 100
301 Stephen Foster's "Beautiful Dreamer" PASS
302 The Historian Gets A Pass To Travel To Occupied Virginia PASS
303 Day Pass Fort Monroe PASS
304 The Painter and His Wife Get a Pass to Occupied Virginia PASS
305 Sherman Captures Savannah 160
306 Period Published Book With Considerable Eye Witness Gettysburg Reporting PASS
307 At The Crater - "just as I always said, the black cowards broke and run" 750
308 Horace Bumstead, Major In The 43rd U.S. Colored Troops And Second President Of Atlanta University PASS
309 The State of Pennsylvania Cares For The Children PASS
310 The Army Pays The War Claim PASS
311 We then had surrounded General Lee and his whole army on the 9th of April. About four o'clock, General Lee surrendered PASS
312 The Soldier Reports "Old General Lee has surrendered to General Grant and General Johnson has surrendered to General Sherman." 300
313 Great Description of a Prisoner Exchange At Jones Landing On The James River - The Writer Is In The 25th Army Corps - Entirely of Black troops PASS
314 Fort Fisher's Powder Magazine Explodes A Day After Its Capture. 200
315 American-Indian Massacre at Pea Ridge; 100
316 This Vermonter Survived Lee's Final Defensive Assault At Fort Stedman, Petersburg, March 1865. PASS
317 Admiral Dahlgren Orders Commander Williamson To Resume Lodona 100
318 Discusses Sherman's Success in South Carolina PASS
319 A Minstrel Show Comes To Rhode Island In '65: "I Thought I Should Kill Myself Laughing." PASS
320 US Grant Approves The New Rate For Money Orders PASS
321 ... The rebels have not in arms on this side of the Mississippi more than 100,000 ... PASS
322 Michigan Soldier Carried This New Testament for Two Years 150
323 Extraordinary Reflective Officer's Journal With 36 Pages on Chancellorsville 4750
324 The War Separates Brothers. PASS
325 The USCT's Lieutenant Colonel Signs the Oath PASS
326 Bounty Claim Filed By A Woman PASS
327 Partly Printed Account For A Civil War Surgeon And His Black Servant PASS
328 Union General William Wells Won The Congressional Medal Of Honor For Service At The Battle Of Gettysburg PASS
329 Murder of USCT Officer PASS
330 Maryland Military Compensation Letter To A Former Brigade Commander PASS
331 Unusual Naval Discharge - Served on USS Cairo, USS Cricket, and Clara Dolsen 160
332 The LAST Civil War General to Die PASS
333 Stone Mountain, Georgia: "Good Men in this Group!!" PASS
335 The Pennsylvania Vols 141st - Battle Mine Run PASS
336 Occupied Virginia - Prosecuting for Desertion PASS
337 McAuffie Served As A Delegate to the South Carolina Nullification Convention of 1832. PASS
338 Wool Was An Officer in Three Wars - War of 1812 - the Mexican-American War - The American Civil War. 100
339 Dix Was Responsible For Arresting the pro-Southern Maryland General Assembly, Preventing Maryland From Seceding 100
340 On the Outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, Stringham Was Appointed Flag officer of the Atlantic Blockading Squadron. PASS
341 Du Pont became the First Naval Officer to be Assigned Command over Armored "Ironclad" Ships. 100
342 In January 1861, Slemmer Was in Command of a at Fort Barrancas, Pensacola Harbor, Fla 100
343 The President and The 1st Lady 100
344 General Marshall Defeated Future President Garfield, PASS
345 Soulé Wrote The 1854 Ostend Manifesto PASS
346 Scarce Photograph of François d'Orléans 200
347 The AAG Died of His Wounds One Month Later PASS
348 Braxton Bragg Was Admitted To West Point At Age 16 PASS
349 Stephens Publicly Advocated Against Georgia Secession 100
351 CDV From Controversial San Francisco Photographers - Confederate Spies? PASS
352 Exceptionally Clean Soldier Tintype PASS
353 Morris Island, South Carolina. 300-pounder Parrott Rifle After Bursting of Muzzle 225
354 General Grant Stereos Published Post-War from Brady Images PASS
355 Great Collection Of Union General Photographs - Nearly All By E. Anthony PASS
356 Joseph Johnson Was The Highest Ranking U.S. Army Officer To Resign His Commission and Join The Confederates. PASS
357 The Fall Of Port Hudson 120
358 Double Amputee Alfred Stretton PASS
359 Sharp, Clear Stereos of Union Generals. PASS
360 CDV Photo of Civil War Amputee Vets, One With A Flag And The Other Holding His Bugle. 200
361 Although in a Civilian Suit, This Most Likely A Veteran PASS
362 The Veterans Photo 130
363 Model 1858 Smooth Side Canteen PASS
365 Patriotic Silk Bookmarker 200
366 Patriotic Double Mirror 150
367 Acknowledging The Inauguration of Jefferson Davis 80
368 Gettysburg Battlefield Relic Book, 475
369 Dug Civil War Identification Stencil PASS
371 Soldier Artwork 140
372 Gorgeous Print Of The CSA Flags 60
373 General Lee Gettysburg Souvenir 100
374 T51 Collegiate MURAD Cards 200
375 Period Civil War Bullet Display 150
376 The 1861 Beardless Abraham Lincoln Print PASS
377 One Of The More Scarce Lincoln Electoral Ticket - Cast In The Field 225
378 This Voter Cast For GEORGE McCLELLAN PASS
379 Ohio Union Presidential ticket. PASS
380 Lincoln/Johnson 1864 Union Ticket for State of New Jersey 200
381 Lincoln Death Room Wallpaper 325
382 The Somber Lincoln Print PASS
383 The Beloved President Is Gone 500
384 Unique Metal Lincoln Profile PASS